Showing posts with label Troll Doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Troll Doll. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Troll Doll photogrammetry and topology

So a new learing curve - and more experience with Maya and Mudbox and Zbrush!
And file imports, send to's and polycounts!
Here's a little Trolls journey from the Ebay post box to virtual reality

 Photogrammetry - still shot

An .obj file 'captured' on 123D Autodesk capture - imported into Maya - hundreds of thousands of Triangles!!!

Retopologized in Mudbox - and the triangles turned into quads

I tried to 'send to Maya' but there was some glitch with the polygons - so I imported it as an .obj file and this is how it looks!
A virtual Troll and a good base to clean up and model from - now over to Aimi and Sheila to tidy up and create good topology for lip sync - this innocent looking Ebay Troll has got to be able to shout and holler at the top of it's lungs!