Showing posts with label Pole Vector Constraints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pole Vector Constraints. Show all posts

Friday 16 December 2016

Pole Vector Constraints in Maya

A few screen shots of numerous attempts to apply a pole vector, without the joints moving themselves automatically out of line.

Check out these tutorials by Jennifer Conley, for simple help with troubleshooting the problem...


 I used the polygon tool to create a polygon plane between the three joints (shoulder, elbow and wrist) to create an exact point for my 'E' controller to snap following the tutorial  I discovered that I had a rotation on my elbow meant recreating the arm joints but progress and no attibutes in the rotation channel box (bad juju - technical term)

Using the polygon tool to create a polygon between all three joints. Change from object to vertex mode (modelling toolkit) and extend out the vertex towards the 'E' elbow controller. Then snap the controller (select and 'V' key) and move and snap to vertex on polygon.

Put the kettle on and take a deep breath.