Thursday 21 January 2016

Mind Dump, Mind Map and imaginary interview

So today we learned some more reflective creative learning tools...

Mind Dump (free writing)
Mind map (our learning journey)
Conducting an imaginary interview about our creative 'problem'.

Great to see that the reflective learning journey is not natural or easy! Ha!

First task was a free writing 'mind dump'. I wasn't sure what would come out at all - but the timing was perfect, I am in the middle of  a creative block. I know from experience that ideas soak and then pop out at unexpected moments, but I need to start to lock down my final project and it's changing all the time.

I have lots of visual ideas - mainly dark, glamourous dynamics, which look great (I have no idea how difficult they are to create!) but no real story to hang them off.

I design well if there is a background 'theme' and therefore all design ideas and details can relate to.or be opposite to that theme. Or I can bring in contrasting themes etc
One of my Character Design tutors at Wimbledon School of Art said "You need to know your character so well that you'd know exactly what underwear they wear. And you need to understand the design details of the period you are designing for, so you know what rules you can break."

Well, I don't know what knickers my character would wear, who the character is/are and what the design environment is.

The free writing mind dump covered lots of themes....

Here's my notes: written as done, with no punctuation or capitals

Title - Visual Effects

Proposing reality in slo mo darkness and water elements of heaven and earth slow and fast pitch black with star of light small humour and characters all in perspective dolls houses lit at night with cars and parties and the human condition breathing and smoke and TV chatter visual fx such as water and fabric dynamics and title sequences garden at night dolls in the foreground patio and dark water sunshine overlaid imagery fountains and grass and slo motion grass outside inside photography exposure and glass being incarcerated negative lightbox doorways out stable doors and horses driveways people flat dolls by people three dimensional paper dolls serviettes coffee and napkin cakes and tea people watching looking keyhole dark staircases turrets towers rivers water simulation buildings lakes and mountains how effects can represent character personalites.

Very enjoyable process and I am looking forward to putting some pictures to this - maybe using the conceptulising the environment method that I recently learnt. I can sense that there is some kind of theme about to emerge.
Just re-reading that reminded me of the tiny people images like this....(funny how all the images and references that we pull together for a variety of ideas or projects can somehow mesh together - I selected these recently for our Going Live project)

Here's my learning journey mind map...

The small square with the double outline in the bottom left is a solid box, with substantial walls, that whilst supportive are restrictive (my AutoCAD experience and 2D drawing experience to date) There is an exit top left and whooosh....into the massive square which is Maya (hahaha - guess what software got my attention).

and the circles that are linked are the three assignments in our academic module - tiny links (my initial idea of what I understood and what I thought was going to be revealed) and the big circles (what actually happened in reality and the growth and new understanding as a result)
The squares underneath are about campus life - the canteen! Cashpoint! Library and free parking!!

For my imaginary interview - I interviewed Colonel Chris Hadfield - as I admire his integrity and imagination.

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