Thursday 11 May 2017

Rough cut Previs, no grading, final comp, effects or animation

Rough cut, with no grading, final comp, effects or animation.
This is to give a good idea of flow, shots, any picks up required, additional shots, camera changes and length of animation segments.
From showing this to Phillip Vaughan and also Sang Yu, the next steps are:
1. Animate the lens flare in the opening titles, so that it 'disappears' when behind the branches
2. To use live action footage of a church yard, rather than a still image. Now that the Previs includes mostly moving shots, this particular shot stands out.
3. Concentrate on accentuating the close up camera angles on the ice man...and to use Tilt Shift - good example here....,
 as we did with Toy Scandal, to create a definite 'scale' to the icemen
4. To include blurred out, abstract, sunlight images behind the closing shot of the water blob, and to have it as a macro shot.
5. To add, light wrap, and effects in the final grading, to reduce the appearance of 'studio lighting'.
6. To shoot some live action branches, with water droplets dripping, rather than trying to model CG droplets, dripping from the shot, which is purely backlit branches.


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