Testing water shaders on a simple sphere...
This link was great
Using a Mental Ray mia_material_x > presets > water and setting the transparency to 1, created a great water effect
I wanted the water droplet to appear realistic in it's shape and was deformed by the leaves...
This is a great link
on how to simply deform spheres using a lattice, so that the droplet would 'hang' and be deformed by the leaves,
I realised that I could insert the poppy as a 3D object, which could look great with camera movement and water reflection...
Simple image, with a background plane, a 3D plant, water blobs and a 3D poppy set inside water.
This is with one directional light only...just placed for the purposes of a quick render
...more reflective, back light and light from underneath to be added...
Another couple of links that were useful too