Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Ongoing reflective practice and concept development

Ongoing reflective practice...
Throughout the design process, I find it good practice to refer back to original concept artwork and design development, to make sure that the final images are progressing in line with the original intent of the concept art...

 Visual inspiration
2D Photoshop concept art, inspired by the above image
3D model in Maya...the hand of the actress will be filmed in the green screen studio at DJCAD....other effects (such as the technical 'fog and junk' haha) will be composited in Nuke....with of course my favourite 'God Ray's...
I've used a bright winter sunshine backdrop for this shot, but will do some alternative tests using a lilac backdrop to recreate the above concept art and see how it compares...

Direction and spot lights and water shaders in Maya

Playing with direction and spot lights, and water shaders in Maya....

Friday, 30 December 2016

Water shaders in Maya and Lattice Deformers

Testing water shaders on a simple sphere...
This link was great http://mentalraytips.blogspot.co.uk/2007/06/nice-water-with-miamaterial-arch.html
Using a Mental Ray mia_material_x > presets > water and setting the transparency to 1, created a great water effect

I wanted the water droplet to appear realistic in it's shape and was deformed by the leaves...

This is a great link http://mayazest.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/slow-motion-rain-drops-in-maya-vray.html
on how to simply deform spheres using a lattice, so that the droplet would 'hang' and be deformed by the leaves,

I realised that I could insert the poppy as a 3D object, which could look great with camera movement and water reflection...
Simple image, with a background plane, a 3D plant, water blobs and a 3D poppy set inside water.
This is with one directional light only...just placed for the purposes of a quick render
...more reflective, back light and light from underneath to be added...

Another couple of links that were useful too



Thursday, 29 December 2016

Water droplets in Maya and Powell and Pressburger

Quick tests using leaves with bump and texture maps, plus some water droplets with different mia material finishes, and presets of glass, water, chrome.
I particularly like the effect of a bright yellow directional light, pointed straight at the leaf...it reminds me of the vivid technicolour of Powell and Pressburger films

The Tales of Hoffman - Powell and Pressburger

Friday, 23 December 2016

Goliath - Critical Review

This is great, straight out of the gate.
The cinematography and camera angles are brilliant...even a simple mid shot of the character smoking, is shot low....every detail has been thought about and the lighting is fantastic.
Timelapse too. Script is very real (I particularly like the 'yapper' female lawyer's retorts) and the edits are swift..
It has a hint of Dallas Buyers Club to it too....

Episode 2 tonight!

Friday, 16 December 2016

Pole Vector Constraints in Maya

A few screen shots of numerous attempts to apply a pole vector, without the joints moving themselves automatically out of line.

Check out these tutorials by Jennifer Conley, for simple help with troubleshooting the problem...


 I used the polygon tool to create a polygon plane between the three joints (shoulder, elbow and wrist) to create an exact point for my 'E' controller to snap too...in following the tutorial  I discovered that I had a rotation on my elbow joint....it meant recreating the arm joints but progress and no attibutes in the rotation channel box (bad juju - technical term)

Using the polygon tool to create a polygon between all three joints. Change from object to vertex mode (modelling toolkit) and extend out the vertex towards the 'E' elbow controller. Then snap the controller (select and 'V' key) and move and snap to vertex on polygon.

Put the kettle on and take a deep breath.

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Metling Man tests

Beginnings of testing 'melting man'
Mike Hermes tutorial below and then some Maya screen shots and a test playblast of a cushion melting.
The cushion timing needs adjusting, and I need to re-visit my melting man, as so far, the geometry isn't moving in the tests.

Time to refresh!