blocking out camera moves, timings and checking against the animatic...
Below are a few screen shots of the original Photoshop images in the animatic, above the corresponding rendered screenshot in Maya...
The Maya shots are yet to be lit correctly, with final materials and comp, but these shots will give me an impression of the timings and where I need to adjust...
Shot_16 (Photoshop image from my animatic). Brendan Body suggested that the ice men are shown in contrast against the background, so that the focus of the scene is clear to the audience; and that the background should be simple and atmospheric...
Shot_17 (Maya render screen shot from the Previs. Woman's hand will be live action and filmed in the green screen studio and comped in Nuke. Using a contrasting, atmospheric and more simple backdrop
When I created the playblast the model disappeared....after reading some frustrated rants in Maya
Shot_17 Maya screen shot in the Previs
Shot_18 (Photoshop image from my animatic). As shot 16 Brendan Body suggested that the ice men are shown in contrast against the background, so that the focus of the scene is clear to the audience; and that the background should be simple and atmospheric...
Woman to be live action and filmed in the green screen studio
Shot_18 Previs screen shot in Maya (final materials, textures, lighting) to be completed....
Shot_23_water_droplet (Photoshop image from animatic)
Shot_23_rendered_image from Previs. Live action hand to be filmed in green screen studio. Fog, junk and God Rays to be comped in Nuke