Wednesday, 27 July 2016

London 2012 Olympics - Previs 'One Night in 2012'; Critical Review

So in the run up to Rio, I watched 'One Night in 2012' documentary Great to see that Danny Boyle mentioned the use of a Previs as a tool to reassure collaborators, funders, artists etc

Previs shots below of what I believe was an outstanding design for the London 2012 Olympics....I remember at the time being absolutely delighted to see that a highly experienced, professional and edgy creative had been granted permission to 'design' it.....
No trace of local authority red tape and dumming down of design in sight...
And it was evident through the props and effects, not to mention the thousands of linked LED lights that the budget was generously spent on how it actually delivered as a spectacular skimping at all.

Setting aside all the scale of the effects and spectacle, I would argue that the outstanding element of the entire show  was the theme that celebrated our worldwide creative contribution and our uniqueness; coupled with the confidence and ability to execute it. I was proud not only of the choice of director, but that the powers that be, had the humility and courage to stand back and let those with creative expertise deliver this event.

At a time of great recession this was a showcase of our national achievements as a whole; and particularly celebrating the role that the arts play....not only in the microcosm of the 2012 design and concept, but as a worldwide ongoing contribution.

I was proud to be British when I could see our history play out so visually.

In fact, we stood up in our sitting room at the end in honour of the achievement of all involved...including our national ancestry.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Photoshop concept images/storyboard shots for CGI opening sequence

Creating concept images/storyboard shots to show the CGI opening sequence for my Masters animation project...

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Quick still life - graphite stick and oil pastels

Graphite stick and oil pastel sketches...inspired by the sketch books of Leon Morrocco

Monday, 18 July 2016

International Summer School - Animation short course pop up event

'Nessie & Sirens & Kelpies Oh My!'

Great to see the pop up event, showcasing the culmination of work produced by the International Summer School students.
In the 12 effective days they had to dedicate to their project the produced:

Good job!

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Storyboard images in Photoshop - drawing to a sound track

Some images created for a sequence in Thaw.....I've been drawing these whilst listening to 'We Move Lightly' by Dustin O'Halloran...which is exactly the type of thought provoking music I want to use for the sound track....
The images below will be a mix of live action (girl) and CGI ice people and branches behind....
Really excited to start experimenting with lens flare, volume rays and God rays too!

Monday, 11 July 2016

Jason Bourne Movies

So knowing that the latest Jason Bourne movie is due out soon, we bought the box set of the previous two, to remind us of the storyline and sequence...

The fight sequences are excellent and the car chases on full octane....brilliant use of hand held camera and perfect for such a frenetic and fast paced edit

Two down, two to go and then the movies for the finale.....You Know His Name...!

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Colour script ideas, sun and lens glare

Below  is an image I created in Photoshop for an idea for frozen branches in THAW...I saw the other image (posted by Visit Scotland) and it reminded me of specular and lens glare...which are two of the effects that I hope to achieve, both in live action and post.

These two images show a good contrast and the start of a colour script for the emotional transitional theme from winter to summer